2 most important words in social media, thank you, and 7 ways to put them to work

Like many of you, social media occupies a portion of each day.  I think I have made peace with it though.  Where it once seemed to be overwhelming and take up too much time, it now fits relatively comfortably into a daily routine.  This is a learning curve everyone experiences.
The results are worth it, as they are for anyone, because it helps build a community; one that has proved to be a valuable asset; many have been of significant help and fun to get to know.  It’s gratifying to watch a community grow.  There is a sense of care and mutual respect where, if we could be there for one another, we would.  You have been.
But the biggest piece of learning is it matters much less how much you put out there, but how often you say “thank you.”  This results in the biggest growth, strongest bonds and most authentic relationships.
Rules for saying “thank you” seem wrong.  Social media is about being spontaneous, not being Emily Post.  Here are 7 ways to put the 2 most important words in social media, “thank you,” to work.

  1. Re-Tweet someone who says something you wish you had said
  2. Credit someone who inspires you
  3. Reply to comments with an expression of appreciation
  4. Put a little bit of yourself into everything you put out; people like to business with people they know so be known as you would like to be
  5. Never try to be someone you’re not
  6. Reach out occasionally to people in your community and ask how they’re doing
  7. Say thank you much more often than you say something about yourself

A few people, not knowingly, provided the venue for these reminders.  They are  Dabney Porte and last night’s guest, 2morrowknight, through a twitter chat that occurs every Tuesday at 10 pm called #smmanners.
Thank you for listening.  Any reminders you’d like to share?


  1. Dabney Porte

    Fabulous words Rob!
    Your tips are so important. I especially love what you say in regard to social media being spontaneous. I agree. Social Media should not be viewed as “work”.
    Engaging and forming relationships anywhere is all about being real and being kind. If we simply keep that in mind, it’s simple, fun and can take your business to the next level.
    Thank you so much for being such an amazing example of doing just that. I appreciate your support of my work and of our #SMmanners chat. I am so glad we have connected and look forward to our friendship.
    I value and appreciate you….and I THANK you!

    1. Rob Petersen

      Thanks Dabney. You do a great job and #smmanners provides real value. As you can tell, last night’s chat inspired me so the least I could do was pay it forward. Thank you. Rob

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