Sun Tzu's wisdom in The Art of War is as true today as it was in 500 B.C. Competitive Intelligence...
How content marketing improves the buyer journey. 7 ways
80% of people appreciate learning about a company through custom content (source: Demand Metric) 67% of the buyer’s journey is...
21 social media listening metrics every marketer should know
Social media listening, also known as social media monitoring, is the process of identifying and assessing what is being said...
21 reasons social media metrics are a waste of time
Why do so many brands say: "Like Us on Facebook." Does it builds relationships that lead to sales? Or is...
11 definitions of ROI reveal a simple solution
We looked at 11 definitions of ROI to see if we could find common agreement. We found they led to...
8 steps to demystify Social Media ROI
"How do I measure social media return on investment?" This is the #1 question over 3,300 marketer ask Social Media...
7 social media measurements that matter for Super Bowl commercials
Super Bowl commercials are measured mostly by media metrics - Reach, GRP's and Nielsen Ratings. But, because "Like," "Buzz" and...
20 ways David Ogilvy would use social media (if he was still with us)
David Ogilvy is known for expanding the boundaries of advertising. This is demonstrated in his quotes, all are still...
6 ways to demystify web analytics fast
"If you can't measure it, you can't manage it." That's what Peter Drucker said to establish measurement at the epicenter...
12 ways Klout helps us influence; 7 ways it enourages us to manipulate
Wikipedia describes Klout as "an analytics tool that measures a users influence across their social network." Klout describes Klout...