There are now 900,000,000+ Facebook pages, 100,000,000+ LinkedIn members, 59,000,000+ active Twitter profiles and 31,000,000+ blogs...and growing. Your audience isn't...
6 viral marketing case studies teach sharing skills
Successful viral social media campaigns deliver big media exposure and buzz for relatively little amount of investment. One of the...
21 ways blogs feed content marketing efforts
Content marketers use the phrase, "content curation," to describe the development of content and collection and sharing of it in...
7 social media measurements that matter for Super Bowl commercials
Super Bowl commercials are measured mostly by media metrics - Reach, GRP's and Nielsen Ratings. But, because "Like," "Buzz" and...
20 ways David Ogilvy would use social media (if he was still with us)
David Ogilvy is known for expanding the boundaries of advertising. This is demonstrated in his quotes, all are still...
Social Commerce FAQ: Are more consumers going to websites or Facebook to do business?
For any business, a lot of time and attention is put into the company website. It's understandable but do you think most businesses...
An adman's journey into social media marketing
Sometimes, the best person to tell your story is someone else. At a recent PRSA (Public Relations Society of America)...
5 lessons in fan relationship marketing from a music business leader
Here are 5 lessons in fan relationship marketing from a hip hop producer and why they matter to your business.
7 social media listening tools that stand the test of time
As a sign social media is coming of age, two blogposts on social media measurement have made a strong impression. They were...
6 social media ROI case studies with something in common, courage
I've been to a good number of companies this year where there has been management resistance to social media. The most...