10 tips for compelling SEO content writing

SEO Content Writing

SEO content writing

SEO content writing is the process of planning, creating and optimizing content. The primary goal is to rank highly in search results.

When we ask businesses what results they are seeking for their digital marketing effort, a top rank on Google is almost always near the top of the list.

So, what should you know if a top rank on Google is on you wish list?

Here are 10 tips for compelling SEO content writing.

1. Choose keywords by doing some research

SEO content writing always begins with a keyword or phrase that is your topic. Once you choose it, Google it to see who appears on page 1. Are the entries ones you would want to be next to? Then, do a little keyword research. Use a tool like Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest to see how much monthly search volume the keyword receives and the difficult for ranking.

2. Observe character limits for titles and headlines when SEO content writing

A title for a web page or headline for a blog should be no more than 55 characters. That If it longer, there is a chance it will be cut off when it appears on a search rank page.

3. Feature the keywords prominently and multiple times (but not too many)

The keyword you choose should be in the page title, and subhead that begins the page (or H1 tag). You should also mention it a few times in the text for keyword density. A few times is generally the right amount. You do not need to be heavy handed and overdo it.

A good example of this is Split My Fare, a train split tickets provider in the UK. They’ve generated over 150,000 monthly visitors via SEO by optimizing their on-page SEO and using the right variation of keywords to target what searchers are looking for.

4. Use images for SEO Content Writing

Images are essential for SEO content writing. Particularly, the use of Alt Text on each image. The viewer does not see the Alt Text, but the search engines do.

5. Break up text with subheads

Nobody wants to read a web page that is nothing but text. Not the reader. Or the search engines. So, break it up with subheads (or H2 tags). Consider using your focus keyword in some of your subheads.

6. Ask and answer questions your audience may be asking

Firstly, this is worth doing to better relate to the reader. Secondly, it may get you mentioned in a Featured Snippet. These are the questions and answers you see at the top of a search page. 52 words are the optimal count for Featured Snippets.

7. Write at least 300 words for SEO content writing

You don’t need to create a web page that is text heavy. But you do need to have at least 300 words on it.

8. Employ links (external and internal) 

Links to other web pages give the search engines a better idea of what your page is about. External links go to other websites. Internal links go to other pages on your website. Both should be used.

9, Make sure you have a Title and Meta Description when SEO content writing

Every web page should have a tile of up to 55 characters and a description of what the page that is up to 155 characters. This is your search entry. Think of it as your ad on the search page.

10. Write for your audience first, and search engines second

Search engines don’t buy your product or become your customers. So, put your audience first.

Do these tips help you to do compelling SEO content writing? Are you ready to get started?


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