How to Increase Conversion Rate Using Pro Edited Videos

One of the best ways to promote your products and services in an engaging way is by including videos in your marketing strategy.  

Pro-edited videos are powerful tools for attracting customers to your brand and showcasing the benefits of using your products and services. Rather than just telling potential customers why they should do business with you, you can also show them.

In fact, according to a recent Wyzowl study, 82% of consumers are more likely to buy a product or service after watching a video about it.

If you want to learn how to leverage pro edited videos to boost audience engagement and drive more sales conversions, read on. 

This post provides 7 expert tips on how to increase conversion rates using pro edited videos. 

Why Should You Use Pro Edited Videos to Boost Conversions?

While various content formats can help capture audience attention, videos have come to dominate this aspect. 

The good news? 

With the right knowledge and tools, you can easily create professional-looking videos to keep your audience engaged. 

Let’s discuss why videos are some of the most effective tools you can use to increase conversion rates and boost your ROI.

  • Drive Engagement: Unlike plain text or static images, videos can instantly capture the attention of viewers and keep them engaged for longer periods.  

Per the previously mentioned Wyzowl report, 44% of consumers prefer to learn about a brand’s products or services by watching videos. 

Therefore, when you use videos to showcase your brand, potential customers will spend more time engaging with your business. 

  • Easy to Understand: Videos are easy to consume and understand.

Videos can simplify complex topics and ideas in a short, visual manner. This ease of understanding can lead to more informed customers and higher conversions.

  • Build Trust and Connection: Videos give you the opportunity to connect with your website visitors on a personal level. Potential customers tend to trust you more when they can put a voice and a face to your brand. 

This connection serves as a foundation for trust, which is one of the most important factors necessary for driving sales conversions. 

  • Help with SEO: Videos can provide search engines with valuable content and keywords to index and can further boost visibility with ranking improvement.

    The video content, title, description, and tags all provide an opportunity to incorporate important keywords for your business. 

Ways to Increase Conversion Rate Using Pro Edited Videos

Let’s take a look at some practical ways to increase conversion rates using pro-edited videos.

1. Create Targeted Video Ads

Targeted ads are one of the effective ways to increase conversion rates using pro edited videos. Video ads are effective because you can use them to target specific audiences. 

A good way to grab your potential customers’ attention is by addressing their pain points in your videos. You can then present your products and services as a competent solution they can explore.

For example, consider the video ad by Superside, a design platform. The target audiences for this video ad are marketers and creatives. In this ad, Superside addresses a common problem marketers often face, which is meeting design project deadlines. It then presents its brand as a suitable solution, which marketers can use to create high quality designs faster.

Image via Instagram

You can use the free video editing software or the AI video generator to easily develop compelling video content without factoring in expensive video editing costs.

To create targeted video ads effectively, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Begin your video ad with a captivating introduction to grab viewers’ attention.
  • Ensure your video is concise and delivers key messages early on to maintain viewer engagement.
  • Tailor your ads to address viewers’ interests or problems for a more personalized experience.
  • Include a compelling CTA that guides viewers on the next steps after watching the ad.

2. Use Captivating Landing Page Videos 

When a potential customer clicks on an ad or a marketing campaign link, it usually directs them to a landing page.

Landing pages can serve as one of the ways to increase conversion of pro edited videos. When a potential customer gets to your landing page, you can use a captivating video to grab their attention immediately. Doing this will pique their interest and encourage them to explore your website more. 

You can display a video that showcases your products and services while highlighting your brand’s unique selling points. You can even embed reels on websites to add a touch of interactivity. 

See an example of a landing page video used to ignite the curiosity of visitors and nudge them to explore the website further.

Image via Slack

As you create your landing page videos, ensure you focus on quality and relevance. The content of your videos should provide enough value while being concise and visually appealing. 

Use your landing page videos to show customers the unique features of your products and services. Don’t forget to include a CTA that clearly directs viewers to the next course of action. 

It should highlight the key features and benefits of your product or service while maintaining a clear CTA that prompts viewers to take the next step.

3. Add Videos to Your Product Pages 

Product pages are an ideal platform to showcase your offerings in detail. 

To highlight your product functionality and benefits in a way that facilitates informed purchase decisions, images and text alone may not be enough.

Hence, supplementing text descriptions with high-quality product demonstration videos can enable customers to understand a product’s value and significantly enhance engagement. Software and service based companies can make product demos easily using a screen recorder and thereafter just embed those videos to the product pages.

Through this, you allow potential customers to witness the product in action, explore its functionalities, and appreciate its benefits firsthand. This immersive experience can drive conversions.

A good illustration of product video marketing examples is this video by Amazon providing a 360-degree view of the features and design of a product.

Image via Amazon

4. Use Clear and Concise Calls to Action (CTAs)

One of the secrets to converting website visitors into paying customers is using a clear and compelling CTA.

Avoid using CTAs that are unnecessarily long and confusing. Instead, use simple phrases or words that are easy to understand. Always place them in strategic positions where website visitors can easily spot them.

A good way to make your CTAs more compelling is by using action-oriented words and phrases. For instance, you can use phrases like ‘Buy Now’, ‘Get Started Here’, and other phrases that clearly indicate the action you want visitors to take. 

The CTA below is a great example of how you can use action phrases to encourage visitors to try your products.

Image via YouTube 

5. Use an Authentic and Appealing Video Thumbnail 

One of the ways to increase conversion using pro edited videos is through video thumbnails. The first thing a potential customer sees before playing your video is the thumbnail. It serves as a teaser or preview of what the video contains. 

If you use a captivating video thumbnail, visitors will be more inclined to click and watch your video. 

The key to creating effective thumbnails that drive conversions is to keep them authentic and relevant.

While it might be tempting to use thumbnails that present exaggerated information to get more clicks, this will only harm your brand credibility. Misleading thumbnails will also lead to viewer dissatisfaction, which can negatively affect conversions in the long run.

The thumbnail you use should be of high quality and should represent the most exciting part of your video. You can also use text overlays that provide a brief description of your video content.

For example, consider how the thumbnails below use images and text overlays to entice viewers into clicking and watching the videos.

Image via YouTube

6. Share Video Testimonials 

Customer testimonials is one of the ways you can increase conversion using pro edited videos since they add social proof and can influence purchasing decisions. 

Potential customers are more likely to trust reviews or feedback from existing customers about your product or brand.

Showcasing real-life videos of customer experiences makes you appear more credible and trustworthy. The more potential customers trust you, the more likely they are to purchase from you.

Take a look at this testimonial video highlighting the experiences and feedback of Pittella for MYOB Advanced product.

Image via YouTube

7. Optimize Your Videos for Mobile Devices 

One of the ways to increase conversion using pro edited videos is to optimize them for mobile devices. 

Expert research by Statista shows that the number of worldwide smartphone users is expected to increase by 30%. This means there will be over 6.4 billion smartphone users in 2029. 

Therefore, the key to staying ahead of the competition and maximizing engagement is optimizing your videos for mobile use.

A good way to implement mobile optimization is by compressing your videos to improve their load speed. Additionally, always render your videos across different screen sizes. This way, viewers can comfortably watch your videos on different devices.  

You cater to a significant portion of your audience and maximize conversion by providing a smooth viewing experience on mobile devices.

Wrapping Up 

Incorporating pro edited videos into your marketing strategy is one of the best ways to drive conversions. With a well-crafted video, you can grab the attention of website visitors and keep them engaged for longer periods.

As you create your pro edited videos, remember to use attractive and authentic thumbnails that will entice viewers into clicking and watching your video.

Finally, always optimize your videos for mobile use and use clear CTAs that make it easy for website visitors to convert into customers. Good luck!

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