Brand awareness is how you move from just selling products to becoming a name people recognize. Marketing does that for...
11 experts on scaling a business. And mistakes to avoid
Scaling a business Scaling a business means increasing performance at a faster pace than increasing resources. Success depends on first,...
The Wonders of Social Media Marketing for Ecommerce
Social media marketing is one of the most cost-effective techniques that can be used to achieve multiple marketing objectives. Probably...
Benefits of Influencer Marketing: What You Should Know
Did you know that 75% of marketers planned to dedicate a special budget to influencer marketing in 2021? Considering the...
23 beneficial facts on customer loyalty in COVID-19
How has customer loyalty in COVID-19 been affected? The facts show more people are trying new brands, stocking up but...
41 2020 digital marketing trends not to ignore in 2021
In a year where business moved from physical to digital contact, there are many lessons from 2020 digital marketing trends...
30 startling stats on online holiday shopping in 2020
Salesforce predicts that because of COVID-19 as much as 30% of global holiday retail sales will be online holiday shopping...
12 SEO success stories on seizing the opportunity
SEO success stories show how businesses effectively use search engine optimization to improve the quality and quantity of website traffic.
7 deadliest Google and Facebook ad mistakes to avoid
Google and Facebook ads account for almost 60% of digital ad spending. 37% are Google ads and 22% are Facebook...
30 online buying facts show how we pivot in pandemic
We all respond to a crisis in different ways. When faced with uncertainty, we gravitate to behaviors over which we...